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When your child should start wearing contact lenses

  Do you think your child is ready to wear contact lenses? In terms of numbers, kids can begin wearing the lenses bet...

Why prescription sunglasses are important for you

It’s not just about style, prescription sunglasses are important for your eye’s health, and here’s why: Clear visio...

Top 15 sunglasses brands in 2022

It's not always simple to pick a new pair of sunglasses, regardless of style e you can also add to the hassle of havi...

The difference between prescription glasses & reading glasses

Which one do you need? If you’re going to need eyeglasses then you’ll need to understand the difference between those...

How do sunglasses protect your eyes from UV damage

Did you know that there are more than 5 benefits to your sunglasses? But let’s focus on the most important one of the...

The best ways to get dry eyes relief

Imagine this, you’re taking a break from working or studying just to rest your eyes for a minute, you close them and ...

Contact Lenses for Astigmatism

Do you know if you have Astigmatism? Nearly all adults have some degree of astigmatism, but most don’t find that it i...

Choosing between glasses and contact lenses

Still torn between glasses and contact lenses, maybe this will help; people with vision problems have many options to...

Top 20 eyewear brands in 2022

New eyewear brands have raised the bar for classic optical introducing new aesthetics, frame forms, and finishes. Cho...

The 10 best contact lenses in 2022

Finding the right contact lenses is really important especially if you wear them instead of your glasses therefore yo...

Top 10 frames for men in 2022

If you’re looking for the perfect eyewear frame for you, then you’ve come to the right place. Beyond the trends, we k...

Carrera Eyewear Success Story & Collections

The history of the CARRERA brand in the field of eyewear, ski helmets and masks began as far back as 1956, a story of...
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