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When your child should start wearing contact lenses


Do you think your child is ready to wear contact lenses?

In terms of numbers, kids can begin wearing the lenses between the ages of 8 and 12 years old. However, a kid’s characteristics are a huge factor in whether he/she could start to wear contact lenses; the child's maturity, responsibility, self-discipline, and personality are more important than his or her age. Most doctors use the same criteria to determine whether or not a youngster is ready for these lenses.


Normally, children have fewer problems with contact lens issues than adults due to their stronger immune systems, and their ability to heal more quickly. Contact lenses are beneficial to student-athletes in addition to boosting self-esteem. For sports that require protective eyewear, contact lenses are not a complete solution. However, some recreational contact lenses can provide better eyesight than eyeglasses. Contact lenses provide superior peripheral vision than spectacles, which may help your child's athletic performance.

Furthermore, youngsters who prefer contacts to glasses are more likely to adjust their schedules and follow the directions for correct lens maintenance.


So what do they need to do if they chose to wear contact lenses?

  • Washing your hands before cleaning or touching the lenses
  • Make sure that your hand is dry with a clean cloth
  • Rinse, clean, and disinfect contact lenses as directed
  • Use only the products recommended by your eye care doctor
  • Do not expose contact lenses to any kind of water or saliva
  • Do not wear contact lenses for long periods
  • Do not sleep in lenses unless prescribed otherwise
  • Never wear someone else’s contact lenses
  • Never wear your contact lenses if you suffer from infection (if your eye is red)
  • If your eye starts itching, burning, or feels any kind of irritation, remove your lenses and contact your doctor immediately.


One more thing, if your child suffers from any seasonal allergies, he/she is usually not a good candidate for wearing contacts. The lenses may only increase the itching and burning caused by their allergies.
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